Email passwords are not visible for security reasons. If necessary, you can either reset the password via SiteControl or change the current password via the App Suite webmail.
This article contains the following sections:
I. How to reset a mailbox password via SiteControl
II. How to reset a mailbox password via the Webmail interface
I. How to reset a mailbox password via SiteControl
1. Log into SiteControl with your username and password (click for instructions).
2. Click the Manage Email link available on the home page.
3. Locate the mailbox in question and click the Edit button next to it. This will take you to the Edit Email Address page where you can reset the mailbox password.
4. On the Edit Email Address page, enter your new password, repeat password and click Apply Changes.
5. A green confirmation message will appear at the top of the page to indicate that the password was successfully changed.
II. How to reset a mailbox password via the Webmail interface
1. Sign in to the Inc Authority App Suite webmail using your mailbox credentials at
For more detailed instructions on how to access the App Suite webmail, please open this article
2. Click on the Settings gear icon located at the top right corner of your webmail and select Settings.
3. This opens the Basic Settings menu. Scroll down, find and click the Change Password ... button.
4. Type Your current password, then enter and repeat the new one. When ready, click the
Change password and sign out button.