Once you have claimed your ReadyAlready website, there are a few additional steps you can follow in order to customize your website to be more suited to your needs.
This article contains the following sections:
- Uploading/replacing images
- Modifying Call-To-Action (CTA) buttons
- Updating your Business description
- Generating New Pages
- AI Regenerate
- How To Create Website Backup?
- How To Restore Website Backup?
1. Uploading/replacing images on the website.
To do that, select any image on the website and click the Upload Image button.
Choose to Upload a file... from your local storage or Browse free stock photos...
Click on Submit once you have selected your desired image. If you select the Upload a file... option locate your picture and click on Open to upload it.
2. Modifying Call-To-Action (CTA) buttons.
Some of the pages generated might contain CTA buttons, which is best practice to be customized for your needs. To do that, locate the CTA button and click on it. The Edit Link option is displayed.
You can click on the Edit Link button and customize it according to your needs.
3. Updating your Business description information.
To update your Business Description click on the Tile menu at the top-left corner and select Settings:
Click on the Business Info menu and enter the information under the Business description field.
Once done, click on the Submit button.
Note that the more detailed the information you provide here is, the more personalized to your needs the website content will be.
4. Generating new Pages.
To generate a new page, click on the Pages button at the top-left corner of your Website Builder.
About us & Contact us pages can be AI-generated from within this menu.
- To generate a brand-new page click on the Plus Sign at the bottom, select the page type from within the drop-down menu and enter the Page name. Finally, click on AI Generate page.
5. AI Regenerate.
There is an option to AI Regenerate any block on the website. To do that, hover over the block and click on the AI Regenerate button.
Note: Keep in mind that this will delete the current block, before making any changes you can create a backup first.
Before AI Regeneration:
After AI Regeneration:
6. How To Create Website Backup?
In case you decide to reset the website using the AI Page wizard or the AI Regenerate block button it is a good idea to create a backup of the website content first, in case you decide that you want to restore it later. Below you can find the steps for creating the backup using the Website Builder tool.
1. Click on the Tile Menu at the top-left corner.
2. Select Settings.
3. Click on the Backup menu and then Create site backup.
4. Enter the Backup name and click on Submit.
7. How To Restore Website Backup?
If you have an existing backup of your website, please follow the steps below to restore your website using the integrated restore option from within the Website Builder panel.
1. Click on the Tile Menu at the top-left corner.
2. Select Settings.
3. Switch to the Backups menu and locate the backup you wish to restore from. Click on the button next to the backup.
4. Confirm that you want to restore the backup by clicking on Submit in the pop-up window.
5. The restoration process will run, once done you will be able to see the website restored.
6. Click on Preview if needed, and finally click on Publish to make your site go live!