If necessary, you can create new FTP accounts (users) by following these simple steps:
1. Log into SiteControl with your username and password (click for instructions)
2. On the SiteControl Home page, click FTP in the Quick Access Tools section.
Alternatively, you can access the FTP Overview through the Website page. Under Manage Services, click Website. On the Website page, click FTP in the File Manager section.
3. Choose the desired FTP account type and then click the respective Create Account button.
4. On the Create FTP Account page, follow the instructions below:
- Step #1, enter the username of the new FTP account.
- Step #2, enter and confirm a password in line with the provided password complexity requirements.
- Step #3, choose the account type – Additional or Subdirectory FTP Account.
- When ready, click on the Create Now button.
5. You will get a confirmation notification that you have successfully created a new FTP account.